Juneau Football and Sports Performance Camp​
Football Individual Skills Camp
A week long, all day, all-position skills camp which will include football technique and skill training, classroom learning sessions, speed and agility work.
We will offer premier OL/DL coaching series with NFL veterans, as well as QB individual work with a collegiate QB coach, and all skill position (WR/DB/RB/TE) training with collegiate coaches and current NFL WR.
6th grade - 12th grade are welcome.
The all day camp Includes the sports performance camp!!
Sports Performance Camp
Ages 8-18
Train like collegiate athletes and prepare yourself for your sport!
Designed for ALL SPORTS and includes 2 hours of strength, power, speed and agility work.
Learn proper strength training and running form, as well as work on footwork technique, mobility and flexibility.
Receive an 8-week program to take home with you.
Coaching Boys into Men
Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM), is a violence prevention program for athletic coaches designed to inspire them to teach their young male athletes about the importance of respect for themselves, others, and particularly women and girls.
Juneau Community Resources
The Juneau Community Resource page is a link to a document that has an extensive list of resources available in our local area for information or simply someone to talk to.
Player/Parent Expectations Handbook
Please click on the link above to review our player/parent expectations handbook.
Xenith Football Helmets
Our entire team will be outfitted in Xenith X2E helmets. These helmets have received 5-stars from Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings.
Guardian Caps
To further reduce impact in the game of football, several players will don guardian caps for better protection.
King Devick Test
Concussion protocol assessment. The King Devick Test is an objective remove-from-play sideline concussion screening test that can be administered by athletic trainers, parents, coaches, and medical professionals in minutes.
Camp Rilea
Above is the link to our summer camp that we will try to attend each year.